KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Název projektu v AJ: International cooperation for higher quality vocational education of forestry and agriculture

Název projektu v ČJ: Projekt Mezinárodní spolupráce pro vyšší kvalitu odborného vzdělání v lesnictví a zemědělství

Číslo projektu: 2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035550_1

The project International cooperation for higher quality vocational education of forestry and agriculture
(IDE) allowed students of vocational schools from Austria, Czech
Republic, Finland and Poland to prepare interesting information about their national approach to
forestry and agriculture through continuous work, monthly online meetings and
presentations and visits in other participating school's short international educational activities.
Teachers of participating schools gained important experience with transnational
project and many other benefits.
Target groups:
Teachers - improving, learning new approaches and methods in education and perfecting own
competences is necessary for every teacher who wants to prepare their students
for the needs of modern labour market and for a teacher who wants to keep his personal development
a long term goal. This project provided great possibilities to fulfill these
Students - students need to learn about education in other countries, approaches to their field of
speciality in different perspective of other environments, improve their
language, computer and presentation skills.
Main objectives of the project:
- sharing good practices - carried out during short term activities, long term activities and project
meetings we have discussed and shared ideas regarding project and non
project views on education,
- language improvement - students communicated, created presentations, worked in groups and
worked on assignements in English leanguage. The level of project oriented
vocabulary and and communication skills, mainly the openness to expres self, greatly improved in
involved groups
- improving quality of vocational training - derived from sharing good practices all participating
organizations have gained a different perspective on vocational training.
- competences with digital technologies - all communication during the long term activities was carried
out in electronical form. Students also used online tools such as
- teamwork skills - each partner had a group of students participating in the project. These groups
were cooperating on different topics during the project. During the short term
stays, students collaborated in international groups.
- intercultural dialogue - intercultural dialogue was a great part of our project. Students were happy to
share different views and customs during their online meetings and during
their short term stays
- acceptance of diversity - czech, finish, austrian and poland cultures are quite diverse but that was
one of great benefits of the project because even though students saw all
the diferences, they still became good friends and talked to each other even outside of the project.
- labour mobility and international recognition of skills - students gained Europass certification after
each short term stay.
Fulfilment of project objectives:
project objectives have been met. Both during the short stay activities and the long term cooperation,
both students and teachers learned a great deal about forestry, agriculture
and culture of other nations participating in this project.
The benefits of this project are multiple. Exchange of know how and good practices between
participating organizations leading to higher quality, innovative methods in
education, which are necessary as better incentives for students. This environment then works as
substantial ground for more effective preparation for future transit to labour
market. Foreign experience is necessary because it is very important to show both our students and
teachers how their peers in different countries of European Union work,
what methods they use, what is their cultural and social background. This leads not only to enriching
our schools with new teaching methods and approaches, but promotes

intercultural dialogue and strenghtens knowledge and acceptance of diversity in society. All these
factors lead to better students, higher quality future employees and bettercitizens. Another factor
which arises with this improvement is higher labour mobility which then leads to necessity of
international recognition of skills which we will help students obtain in the form of Europass.

Od 1. září 2017 vede naše škola dvouletý mezinárodní projekt financovaný z prostředků EU: Mezinárodní spolupráce pro vyšší kvalitu odborného vzdělání v lesnictví a zemědělství.
V rámci tohoto projektu budou naši žáci spolupracovat se svými kolegy ve Finsku, Polsku a Rakousku, podstoupí také odborné stáže na partnerských školách.
Celková finanční dotace pro všechny partnery činí 88 260 eur, z toho 25 050 eur pro naši školu.

Hlavními cíli projektu je:
- sdílení odborných postupů
- zvýšení úrovně anglického jazyka
- seznámení se s žáky z jiných evropských zemí
- možnost porovnat vzdělávací systém v Česku, Finsku, Polsku a Rakousku
- rozšíření dovedností při práci s digitálními technologiemi
- rozvoj týmové práce a schopnosti prezentace
- získání informací o pracovním uplatnění v zahraničí

Zúčastněné školy:
-SLŠ a SOU Křivoklát, Česká republika
- Seinäjoen koulutuskuntayhtymä, Seinäjoki, Finsko
- Zespol Szkol w Tulowice, Polsko
- Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Litzlhof, Rakousko

In the week 20th to 24th May 2019 our students took part in a Erasmus+ project meeting in Polish town Tułowice. Together with colleagues from Finland and Austria they extended their expert knowledges, got acquainted with Polish culture, improved English communication skills. It was last meeting of this project, but the participant schools already intend to realize together a similar project again.

V týdnu od 20. do 24. května 2019 se naši žáci účastnili setkání v polských Tułowicích v rámci projektu Erasmus+. Spolu s kolegy z Finska a Rakouska si rozšířili své odborné znalosti, poznávali polskou přírodu a kulturu, prohlubovali schopnosti komunikovat v angličtině. Jednalo se sice o poslední setkání v rámci tohoto projektu, zúčastněné školy však již vyjádřily ochotu realizovat spolu znovu podobný projekt.

From 6 to 13 April 2019, 6 of our students went through the Erasmus + project abroad. Together with our colleagues from other partner schools in Poland and Austria, they spent one week at the SEDU Tuomarniemi School near Ähtäri in Finland.
Participants got to know in detail with Finnish forestry and how to protect nature,  they visited a forestry factory and pulp factory, saw two pandas in a local zoo and also spent a day in Helsinki. They also had the opportunity to find out some information about Finnish education, which is considered one of the best in the world. In addition, they participated in a number of fun activities, such as the production of wooden handmade souvenirs, barbecue, sports and sauna bathing in a frozen lake.
During their stay with the Finnish, Austrian and Polish pupils, all students became so close to each other that they still stay in touch and hope and really wish to meet again.

Ve dnech 6. až 13. dubna 2019 absolvovalo 6 našich studentů zahraniční pobyt v rámci projektu Erasmus+. Spolu s kolegy z partnerských škol v Polsku a Rakousku strávili týden na škole SEDU Tuomarniemi u města Ähtäri ve Finsku.
Účastníci se podrobně seznámili s finským lesnictvím a ochranou přírody, navštívili továrnu na lesnickou techniku a továrnu na výrobu celulózy, v místní zoo viděli pandu, strávili den v Helsinkách. Měli také možnost poznat finské školství, považované za jedno z nejlepších na světě. Vedle toho se účastnili řady společných aktivit, jako například výroba dřevěných suvenýrů, grilování, sportování či sauna s koupáním v zamrzlém jezeře.
Křivoklátští se během pobytu s finskými, rakouskými a polskými žáky natolik spřátelili, že stále zůstávají v kontaktu a doufají, že se jim podaří opět setkat. 

24. 9. - 29. 9. 2018 our students took part in an Erasmus+ meeting together with colleagues from Poland, Finland and Austria set this time in Austrian Litzlhof.
They prepared for us a very interesting and varied program, improved by a perfect weather. For example, we visited the greatest sawmill in Europe, biospherical park in Tauern, hydroelectric power station, forestry training and education centre in Ossiach, mountain farm, organic chees plant and important nature monuments.

For us the meeting was very inspirational and we made a lot of new friendly relationships.

Studenti naší školy se ve dnech 24.9.-29. 9.2018 v rámci projektu Erasmus+ účastnili spolu s kolegy z Polska, Finska  a Rakouska mezinárodního setkání, tentokráte v rakouském Litzlhofu.

Byl pro nás připraven  velmi zajímavý a pestrý program, který byl umocněn dokonalým počasím. Navštívili jsme například největší evropskou pilu, biosférický park v Taurech, vodní elektrárnu, lesnické tréninkové  a  školící centrum v Ossiachu, horskou farmu, výrobnu biosýrů a významné přírodní památky.

Pobyt byl pro nás velmi inspirativní a navázali jsme mnoho nových přátelských vztahů.

Celé album fotografií najdete ZDE

Students created interesting videos from each short term stay which was then published on our youtube and Instagram. Students also presented their Erasmus+ experience to the whole school in our dining area. Erasmus+ was also presented on recruitment days and on international competition.

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